What we know – and what we don’t – about the risks of rugby for adolescents | Letters

12 February 2024 06:28
Dr Mike Forsythe says there is uncertainty about the effects of single or repeated concussions on the developing brainSean Ingle is right to mention the benefits of rugby but, as he suggests, there is a balance to be found in weighing up the associated risks of contact sport to a developing brain (Should U18 rugby be banned? No. But tell that to parents of a concussed child, 5 February).Concussions in the adolescent age group present a unique challenge, particularly given the wide-ranging nature and duration of symptoms. Interestingly, those seen in our complex case clinics often demonstrate a significant psychological involvement in their prolonged concussion symptoms, in many cases stemming from concerns about long-term cognitive impairment. In spite of this, we cannot shy away from the issue with young people and their parents; we must be honest about what we know about the risks of single or repeated concussions, and what we do not yet know. Continue readingread full article

Source: TheGuardian