Ryan Giggs Follows in Wayne Rooney's Footsteps With Hair Transplant After 'Stressful' Career

19 January 2020 03:20

Citing the 'stress' of playing professional football for 24 years, ​Manchester United legend Ryan Giggs has undergone a hair transplant to fix his balding scalp. 

Giggs spoke of a 'paranoia' that came with the extreme media coverage of professional football and the intense pressure of high level performance. 

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Quoted by the Mirror, Giggs said: “Football is stressful. You put yourself under pressure. You’re aware of the consequences if you lose a game or don’t play well. You are under the spotlight and if you have a bad game you’re aware of the criticism. Then it becomes a little bit more stressful. And stress is related to hair loss.”

Giggs has been open about how the stigma has changed regarding self-care, especially amongst men. The Welshman added: "This is the first time my team-mates will be hearing about it. There’s still a sort of stigma for men but in the last ten or 20 years, it has got better. People understand hair treatments a lot more.

“It used to be just women who had procedures to make themselves feel more confident but now I think it is becoming more and more the same with men.”

Ryan Giggs

"Back then people were judging you more than now," he said. “I kept a low profile, staying in the house, wearing a cap if I went out. I told friends and family and their reactions were better than I expected. No-one took the mick or had a joke. They were more inquisitive about what I’d had to do and when I’d get the final results."

The current Wales boss was so taken with the treatment that he became a partner of the MHR Clinic in Knutsford. Ryan would have been remiss to not mention the pioneering effect of his former teammate, ​Wayne Rooney, in normalising hair treatments. 

Speaking on Rooney's legacy, Giggs said, "Wayne was very brave in being so open about it, I'm really happy with mine. The only negative I have is that I didn't do it earlier."

Source: 90min